By the end of this article, you will learn the five best exercises for arm strength  guaranteed to get you fast results. To be clear, you must be willing to perform each exercise consistently  and follow the sets laid out for maximum effect. 

These are also excellent exercises to get bigger arms because athletes must have strength in their arms to maximize performance. 

You won’t get the results you want without following the sets properly. With that  said, let’s keep going… 

Best Exercises for Arm Strength 

Before we dive into strength training exercises to get bigger arms and their working sets, I want  to give you an overview of what the exercises for arm strength are: 

  • Barbell Curl
  • Barbell Skullcrusher
  • Close-Grip Bench Press
  • Barbell Preacher Curl
  • Overhead Dumbbell Extension

To those of you without barbells, here’s what you can do I want you to do…

Modify Best Exercises for Arm Strength 

You can use dumbbells for the preacher curl, you can also use dumbbells for Skull Crushers.  Here’s the all-important point, you must pick a weight that you will fail on with the  last few reps of each working set. These strength training exercises to get bigger arms can benefit athletes to perform better.

More importantly, do not overtrain, here’s what overtraining is… 

You essentially want to jump into the next set without finishing the scheduled  recovery time. 

This is not ideal, you can and you will hurt yourself doing this. Listen to your body  and start the working set when the timer goes off. Delayed onset muscle soreness can happen if you get impatient and want to jump  in too soon. 

  • Barbell Curl

Exercises for Arm Strength
Barbell Curl Exercises for Arm Strength | Deep Fitness

This exercise is very fun. Not only does it improve arm strength but you are guaranteed to gain size when you do the following sets to a tee.

  • Set 1 – 20 Reps
  • Set 2 – 15 Reps
  • Set 3 – 10 Reps
  • Set 4 – 08 Reps

I recommend you maintain the same weight you can handle starting throughout  the working sets and I’ll go over what to do when it gets easier later in this article. 

Recovery time in between sets is going to be 60-90 seconds. Don’t start under 60 and  don’t start over 90 Seconds. 

How To Perform This Exercise With Proper Form 

Standing straight up, grip a barbell with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width  apart. 

Curl the bar toward your chest in an arc, with your elbows locked and close to your  sides. 

Bring the weight up as high as you can and then lower the weight slowly until your  arms are straight. 

  • Barbell Skull Crusher

strength training exercises for arms
Exercises for Arm Strength

Barbell Skull Crushers are hands down one of the most effective exercises to get bigger arms. This is an essential exercise all athletes do for the triceps. 

Here are the working sets I want you to follow my friend: 

  • Set 1 – 20 Reps
  • Set 2 – 15 Reps
  • Set 3 – 10 Reps

Notice how the reps decrease. This is why we have a minute of recovery time.  Your body needs the rest. This is what optimal training is all about. 

How To Perform This Exercise With Proper Form 

Start by pressing up the barbell with your grip less than 12 inches apart. Slowly  lower the barbell towards t your head, pause, and raise the barbell again. 

You are going to really feel this exercise like crazy! That is if you pick the right  weight and you do NOT ego lift. That’s how you get hurt. 

  • Close Grip Bench Press

strength training exercises for arms
Close-Grip Bench Press Strength Training Exercises for Arms | Deep Fitness

One of the most effective strength training exercises to get bigger arms is the classic bench press  but there is a close-grip variation.

Not only is it a fantastic chest exercise, but the close grip variation also makes this an  excellent tricep exercise. Lighten the barbell if you must because this will be a  challenge and highly unsafe to ego lift. 

Modification if you have no barbell, use two iron dumbbells and bring them  together, more importantly, the elbows must be against your lats just like in the  picture above.  

Start out small, then as you improve, ask someone to spot you and perform this  exercise properly and safely. Here are the sets my friend: 

  • Set 1 – 12 Reps
  • Set 2 – 10 Reps
  • Set 3 – 8 Reps
  • Set 4 – 8 Reps

The reason for the lower reps for every set is because this exercise is a compound  lift and this is your time to shine and lift heavy. You got this! 

How To Perform This Exercise With Proper Form 

Lie on a flat bench and grip the barbell well with both hands in a close-grip fashion. Lower the bar until it touches your chest, right below in the lower pec  area. 

Then press the bar back up. Focus on the triceps my friend. Get that mind-muscle connection down, and you’ll feel it more. Repeat that till you reach the desired amount  of reps.

  • Barbell Preacher Curl

Strength Training Exercises for Arms
Preacher Curl Exercises for Arm Strength

Classic lifting exercise that must be incorporated into an athlete’s workout program for  best strength training exercises to get bigger arms. 

  • Set 1 – 15 Reps
  • Set 2 – 10 Reps
  • Set 3 – 8 Reps
  • Set 4 – 8 Reps

This is the one time where I will suggest that the heavier you want to lift on the  preacher curl when reaching set 3, have a trainer spot you because I’ve seen all too  many times people ego lifting on this particular move. Don’t do that. Safe train my friend. The recovery time of 60-90 seconds for this exercise helps the muscles to recover.

How To Perform This Exercise With Proper Form 

Using a grip parallel to shoulders, hold a Straight or an EZ curl bar with palms facing up. Curl the bar upward.  Lower the bar to the starting position. 

A couple of notes on this move, you honestly, should NEVER pick an extremely heavy  weight if you’re uncertain that you can complete it. 

Although it’s one of the most popular strength exercises to get bigger arms, it may seem  easy with a light barbell, but it creates a false sense of security which makes everyone  think they can handle more. But remember this major tip my friend, ego lifting is  never a good idea.

  • Overhead Dumbbell Extension

Last but not least, overhead dumbbell extensions are hands down one of the best exercises to get bigger arms as this is the exercise that doesn’t just hit the triceps but can also stabilize your core. Let me explain. 

When you tighten your deepest core muscle on top of keeping your posture anatomically neutral, your body is forced to engage your core. 

This move will definitely get you bigger triceps, so here are the sets: 

  • Set 1 – 20 Reps
  • Set 2 – 15 Reps
  • Set 3 – 10 Reps
  • Set 4 – 8 Reps

You’ll definitely feel the effects of this sequence as it can and it will hit the triceps if  you pick the right weights and train with the right intensity but always stay safe. 

Such an important exercise to build arm strength, but more importantly, get you  looking better and better! 

I cannot recommend this exercise enough for you to get ready to go out to the beach  and feel more confident in your body! 

How To Perform This Exercise With Proper Form

For this particular exercise, keep your elbows pointing straight up to the ceiling and in line with one another. 

Your arm must be parallel and in line with your ear when you extend over the top of your head as well as in the downward position. 

Let’s bring everything all together… 

Our Others Muscle Building Blogs

Recap: Best Exercises for Arm  Strength 

Here’s what you can expect from performing all of these exercises, you can and  you will achieve your goals. There’s no way you can’t unless you ignore recovery  time and you don’t listen to your body. 

There’s something to be said about supplementation, however, that is optional and  an extra, just understand that each exercise has its place. More importantly, I want  to mention this bodybuilding strategy to get even more results. 

When you get comfortable maintaining the standard weight that you are using, it’s  time to start adding more weight as the reps decrease. 

The purpose of working out is for you to not get too comfortable, you must  embrace the suck and look for ways to challenge yourself and grow.

How you do that is you start with a light weight for 20 reps, then go to a medium weight for 15 reps, then to the 10 reps for a heavyweight and when  you reach the 8-rep set, find the heaviest weight you can handle for the last set! 

Remember that strength is relative and don’t compare yourself to anyone else as  that doesn’t matter at the end of the day, compete with yourself! 

Try these 5 best exercises for arm strength and let us know about your experience with them, also feel free to leave comments.